Handyvertrag günstig
First and foremost – WHAT AND WHO WE ARE ! HandyTarifTipp.de is ultimately a DEAL website that links great smartphone deals from various partners, websites, providers, network operators and suppliers. This means that we describe the offers a little, usually with the most important information, and then link them directly. This means that visitors to our website do not have to search through different websites to find suitable and great offers (deals). We link to everything that we think is good and/or interesting in the mobile communications world (tariffs + contracts with smartphones/extras). WHAT WE ARE NOT and WHAT WE CANNOT DO! HandyTarifTipp.de is NOT a provider , NOT a network operator , NOT a supplier , NOT a smartphone manufacturer . NO contracts can be concluded directly with HandyTarifTipp.de . You NEVER enter into a contract with us. HandyTarifTipp.de has NO insight into orders and NO influence on the checks carried out by the respective providers. HandyTarifTipp.de can...